Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I get a fuzzy feeling (with a dash of vertigo) when I look at Logix. For something managing to utterly violate many of the finer points of restriction that make Python programming resistant to cases of obfuscated cleverness, Logix is one of the coolest things I've seen lately (I guess I'm a year late to the party though). I've been doing some Ruby inquiries recently, to capture the finer things and evaluating my potential Python bias (while interesting, I see no reason to abandon my current favorite; still: YAR (Yet Another Rant)). I've also taken some time to look closer at Haskell, with some fun effects on my sleep cycle.

Although I might sometimes ponder if the Python syntax could be tweaked some to great effect, I often realise that I'm picking daisies instead of harvesting for the winter. Python is brutally straight-forward and effective as it is. Still, Logix is what I obviously overlooked when I saw Pluvo earlier this year and felt the lure of language experiments. Logix may be in a state of flux, but I really wish that it would prosper as somewhat of a hyper-intelligent, mind-boggling but brutally powerful layer on top of Python. If nothing else, it would give me and everyone else believing that this or that could be a better syntax for the job an easy way to test it. And possibly discover that it was a better syntax for a job, but perhaps not the right job. Still, Logix can definitely make declarative programming and design of DSLs a breeze. Or perhaps a tornado.

For a concise example, see this excellent article.


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